What Is Video Transcoding: All You Need to Know

Video Transcoding

In the past few decades, VOD streaming has taken over the Internet. So it’s no surprise that publishers are trying hard to keep up with the audience’s demand. This overwhelming need for video content has pressured broadcasters to distribute more and more videos, which of course, isn’t as simple as it sounds. To comply with this demand, publishers need to distribute huge amounts of large video files to their audience while making sure that these videos are suitable for each target device. Here’s where video transcoding comes in.

What Is Video Transcoding?

Video transcoding is the process of decoding (or decompressing) a particular format and compressing it into another. In short, it means creating multiple versions of the same video file in different sizes. Transcoding helps publishers meet their audiences’ demand by increasing the number of compatible target devices on which viewers can play a video. It also allows them to deliver streams adjustable to the user’s internet speed.


Transcoding often involves the process of transsizing. Transsizing, as the name suggests, is the process of resizing a video frame. For example, lowering 4k resolution video to 1080p. This is especially useful for viewers who often use mobile devices with lower-resolution displays to watch videos. 


Transrating, on the other hand, changes the bitrate — the speed at which data travels across the network, without modifying the video file format. For instance, you can take a 4K video stream at 10Mbps and convert it to various lower-bitrate streams, such as HD at 6Mbps.

We can distinguish between three types of transrating:

  • Lossless to Lossless — This compression type reduces the file size without any loss in image quality. 
  • Lossless to Lossy — While this compression type reduces the quality of the video, it creates a smaller, faster file that is, in turn, compatible with multiple platforms, browsers, and players. 
  • Lossy to Lossless — This type of compression aims to ensure that your video does not further lose its quality during the conversion. Bear in mind that you cannot regain the data or quality previously lost during this process.  
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How Does Video Transcoding Work?

Transcoding takes an already-encoded video media file and unencodes it to change the video file’s size or bitrate. Some video file formats are usually not suitable for playback, so with video transcoding, the initial format is changed into one that will be accessible to all users. Essentially, this means that a video file that has already been encoded is reformatted into, for example, an MP4 file using the H.264 codec so it can be more suitable for streaming. 

Video Transcoding vs. Encoding

To fully understand transcoding, a clear distinction needs to be made with encoding. Encoding is the compression of raw video files into more manageable formats, while transcoding is the process that follows, where these already compressed files are altered by decompressing, changing, and re-encoding. Together, these two make it easier for publishers to deliver video content online.

Video Transcoding vs. Rewrapping

Often referred to as transmuxing or repackaging, rewrapping is the process where compressed video content is repackaged or “rewrapped” into a different delivery format, but without making any changes (including further compression) to that packaged content. 

For instance, you create a video using the H.264 codec, and by rewrapping it, you can deliver it to different streaming protocols, including HLS and MPEG-DASH, just by changing its container. 

Why Is Transcoding Important for Publishers and Broadcasters

Due to the evergrowing demand for online video content, transcoding has become a necessity for broadcasters. Here are some reasons why publishers should look for an online video platform with reliable transcoding services: 

  • Compatibility — As mentioned, not all video file formats are compatible with the requirements of online video players or streaming platforms. For instance, ProRes 422 video codec has to be compressed into an appropriate format before online delivery. For your content to be compatible with every streaming platform and video player you plan on using, transcoding is a must. 
  • Cost Reduction — By transcoding just once you’ll have multiple renditions of your video. This allows the player to choose the appropriate rendition for the target device (mobile, tablet, computer, etc.). This will help you cut costs on storage space and bandwidth. You’ll be distributing smaller, more compressed versions of your video. To illustrate the difference in expenditure, streaming 5 minutes of video at 1080p to one thousand viewers amounts to 1120GB (1.1TB), while streaming at 360p to the same number of viewers amounts to 150GB, making it almost ten times cheaper.
  • User Experience — Transcoding will help you prevent buffering issues and long video downloads for users who have slower connections. For example, a user with a fast internet connection will be able to view a high-resolution version of your video. The user with a slower internet speed will watch the same video in lower quality but with little to no buffering. 

Transcode Videos With TargetVideo

To start streaming your content, you’ll need a video transcoder. A streaming server or platform that offers transcoding as a service. TargetVideo’s quality transcoding services include:  

  • Batch Transcoding — Select and transcode multiple video files all at once. 
  • Transcoding From Cloud — You’ll be able to import your video files directly from your cloud storage, e.g., Dropbox, to our platform.  
  • Maximum Quality Settings — Set the maximum quality limit for your video renditions to lower bandwidth consumption and save costs. 
  • Unlimited Storage for Transcoded Videos — We offer unlimited storage space for your transcoded videos.

What’s more, our platform provides secure online video hosting, powerful in-house video analytics, a fast HTML5 Player, and video monetization. For a cost-effective streaming platform, look no further than TargetVideo.  

Secure Video Hosting
Cloud Encoding and Transcoding
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1. Does video transcoding reduce quality?

2. What is the best transcoding video format?

3. What is 4K video transcoding?

Mina Andric

Mina Andric is an experienced technical, content, and copywriter in the spheres of digital advertising, marketing, web design, and IT. She has a Master’s Degree in English Language and Literature and has a strong passion for studying Eastern Asian languages. With a classical music education background, she has over fourteen years of experience playing the flute and piano.