How to Apply for Brid.TV Branded Canvas Unit:

Brid.TV’s Branded Canvas Unit is a sleek, non-disruptive banner ad format we designed to simulate the ad experience from the OTT and CTV space on web and mobile. Publishers can apply for this unit in a few simple steps:

Step 1: Log into the Brid.TV CMS and go to the Players section.

Brid.TV Branded Canvas

Step 2: Select one of your existing players or create a new one.

Brid.TV Branded Canvas

Step 3: Open the Monetization section of your player settings.

Brid.TV Monetization

Step 4: Navigate to the Branded Canvas section on the right side of the screen and submit your application.

Brid.TV Monetization
Brid.TV Monetization

After you’ve gone through the process, our team will be immediately notified and will get back to you promptly.